Double D Food Engineering, Baking Ovens, Cookers, Provers, Retarders, Grillers, Smokers, UK


Unique oil recovery system for tempura-coated products

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New dual-benefit oil recovery system removes floating sediment and recovers up to 80% of reusable oil


JBT FoodTech has launched the world’s first Floating Crumb Removal (FCR) system aimed specifically at processors of tempura-battered product.


The new system, which can both remove very fine sediment and recover up to 80% of oil which is normally lost in the filter cake, is a breakthrough for processors of tempura-coated products such as chicken nuggets, fish and seafood, where used oil in the sediment would normally be discarded.


The system, which can also be used for flour-coated products, could save processors up to 170 tonnes of oil a year*.


Nigel Brunyee, systems manager, JBT FoodTech, explains.


“When oil is used for pre-frying battered or coated products, there are two types of sediment – floating and sinking. Unlike other manufacturers, our oil recovery systems remove sediment at the infeed end. So any floating sediment is removed and discarded along with large quantities of oil, while any sediment which has sunk is removed and discarded at the infeed.


“With this new system, the floating and sinking sediments are then put together at the outfeed in the form of a slurry. Significant quantities of oil are then extracted from the slurry through a Stein MX Filter. The high filtration capability on the MX Filter can efficiently remove material as small as five microns (μ) which sufficiently cleans the oil enough for it to be recycled.”


According to Brunyee, the cost benefits of the FCR system are considerable.


“If a producer processes 4,000kg of product per hour, he may use up to 400kg per hour of oil, which is absorbed by the product. Every 100kgs of floating sediment contains up to 80% oil. With this new system the total oil saving is 50%”


The Floating Crumb Removal system can be retro-fitted on JBT FoodTech’s range of Stein fryers. It is also possible to process both tempura and non-tempura products, including flour-coated products, on the same line.  


*Estimate based on two 8-hour shifts, five days a week, using 350 litres of oil per shift



New 3G Airflow System can support sustainability goals

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JBT FoodTech has dramatically improved the airflow system on its Double D Revoband Continuous Protein Oven to reduce cook times and improve yield. 


The new system can also support sustainability goals as it uses less fuel to achieve this enhanced performance.


The 3G Airflow system – Double D’s third generation of airflow design for its Revoband Continuous Protein Oven – can achieve an average 10% improvement in cook times, and up to 42% on certain types of bacon.


Tests have shown that, with the 3G Airflow system fitted, cook times for potatoes were reduced by 16%, and sausage links by 10%.


These reductions in cook times have also resulted in yield improvements of up to 2%.


The new airflow system, which has been developed at JBT FoodTech’s Food Technology Centre in Broxburn in the UK, requires no additional energy to achieve these benefits.


“With the 3G Airflow system we are basically delivering more power from the heat exchanger, but without a rise in temperature.  This means the system uses less fuel relative to the extra power generated,” comments John Kelso, JBT FoodTech’s Double D product line manager.


“The system generates an increased volume of air within the cooker, from both top and bottom louvres.  This thermal response improves the power delivered to the product and this has led to major reductions in cook times.  These reduced and measurable reductions in energy usage can contribute to customers’ CSR programmes and sustainability goals.”  


The system can also improve the colour and appearance of the product.  This was demonstrated with a series of tests which were carried out on sausage links, which were chosen for their ability to show colour change effectively.


“Cooking sausages was a good example of the system’s effectiveness because, by increasing fan speed only, the skin would normally blister,” says Kelso. “However, with the 3G Airflow system the impact was to achieve colour change more quickly, but without blistering the skin.”


The 3G Airflow system will now be fitted as standard on all new Double D Revoband Continuous Protein Ovens.



JBT FoodTech develops 'controlled fat' Dry-Fry System

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JBT FoodTech has developed an integrated in-line Dry-Fry System (Patent Pending) designed to process coated products with up to a 50 per cent reduction in oil pick-up.


The system is able to produce coated products which are considerably healthier than traditionally fried products, while retaining an excellent taste and appetising appearance.     


The Dry-Fry System is capable of delivering controlled amounts of oil to the product following the coating or breading stage.  This enables processors to manufacture or market ‘low fat’ or ‘lower fat’ options on a wide range of foods, including chicken and poultry, fish fillets, vegetables and re-formed products, while retaining an appetising appearance and maximum flavour. 


The system integrates three of JBT FoodTech’s equipment brands – the Stein Ultra V™ Breading Line, the Double D Revoband Continuous Protein Oven and the Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® Spiral Freezer. The system also incorporates an oil spray system which delivers controlled amounts of vegetable oil to the product depending on requirements.


The system has a number of key features as Nigel Brunyee, JBT FoodTech’s systems manager, explains.


“What sets this system apart is its ability to provide exactly the required colour and consistency of finished product.  This is due to the impingement technology and high temperature capability of the Revoband Continuous Protein Oven, which is unique in the industry.


“In addition, because there is no pre-frying stage, the oil is much fresher.  This provides a much cleaner taste and better texture.  We also believe that up to a 50 per cent reduction in oil pick-up is the maximum desired, as anything more than this would be detrimental to the taste.

“There are also considerable cost-savings to be made due to the reduction in oil usage, meaning less waste and reduced Health & Safety risks."


The system, says Brunyee, gives processors excellent opportunities to introduce new tastes and exotic flavours by using different types of vegetable oils, such as olive oil, or oils flavoured with herbs or spices.


No special coatings are required for the Dry-Fry System, but the coating must be ‘oven bakeable’ such as Japanese crumb.  The coating is then set by flash cooking in the Revoband Continuous Protein Oven for around 1.5 to 2 minutes, before being marshalled straight to a Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® Spiral Freezer.


“Flash cooking ensures that the coating is efficiently set,” continues Brunyee. “Final product colour can also be carefully controlled.  The Revoband Continuous Protein Oven has a unique high impingement system which provides high temperatures up to 280 degrees Centigrade, so customers can easily achieve their desired colour.


“We’re confident that the new Dry-Fry System is the perfect answer for producing tasty, coated products which respond to consumer demands for healthier choices, while giving processors significant cost savings and massive opportunities for new product development.”



JBT FoodTech perfects seasonal variations in potato processing

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JBT FoodTech has been perfecting its ability to process seasonal potato products for ready meal components and convenience foods, in response to the growing demand for different processed potato variations.


The company’s Double D Continuous Protein Oven features a unique impingement system which can be finely adjusted to suit seasonal variations in the potatoes’ sugar content which affects its ability to develop colour, according to Ian Wallace, JBT FoodTech’s Double D international sales support and marketing manager.


“Potatoes are an important component for frozen or ready meals and, as manufacturers develop more convenience food varieties, they need to be able to process potatoes efficiently, without losing their taste, appearance or texture,” he says.


“However, the sugar content in raw potatoes can differ significantly between seasonal varieties, and this can alter its ability to take colour.  For example, old potatoes have more sugar and will develop colour more easily than new potatoes.  By finely adjusting the fan speed we can ensure that each potato is the desired colour, no matter the season.”


Diced, baked and roasting potatoes can all be treated evenly with the system, with equally good results on very thin slices for toppings or Potato Dauphinoise.  The oven’s impingement system is also key when processing jacket potatoes.


“During some parts of the season the skins on jacket potatoes are more delicate and need to be treated with extra care to avoid blistering or skin separation.  This is another challenge that we’ve been addressing with the oven’s airflow system.”      


JBT FoodTech can now provide a complete in-line potato processing system by integrating the Double D Continuous Protein Oven with a Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® spiral freezer.


The company’s full range of custom-built Double D ovens and Frigoscandia freezers is available for tests at its Broxburn-based Food Technology Centre in the UK.



Home cooking in a factory environment - JBT FoodTech introduces Multi-phase Cooking

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JBT FoodTech has introduced 'multi-phase cooking' to its range of solutions, with the aim of authentically emulating the different processes involved in cooking at home, but in a factory environment.

Aimed primarily at ready meal or finished product manufacturers, 'multi-phase cooking' can integrate any combination of processes and in any order, to produce exactly the required taste, texture and appearance of finished product. That includes any combination of coating and frying, cooking and roasting, steaming, infra-red cooking, searing and grill marking, proofing, baking, chilling and freezing.

Nigel Brunyee, JBT FoodTech's systems manager, commented:

"The competition to create ever more authentic ready meals is increasing. If you cook at home or go to a restaurant, the food is prepared using a number of different processes to produce the finished result. For example, chicken or meat might be marinated then seared, before being cooked or roasted to provide a particular flavour or appearance.

We can now provide all these processes and more in a factory setting, by providing different phases to produce certain finished products. Multi-phase cooking can be as flexible as required, and is as close as possible to what a chef or home cook could achieve."

Traditionally, says Brunyee, processors would consider cost and footprint as the key factors when introducing new product lines. Now they should equally consider exactly how they want a product to look and taste to maintain their competitive edge.

"Multi-phasing can be adapted to achieve different results. If you wish to produce grill-marked hamburgers, you could first sear, then cook and then grill mark the product in a Double D Continuous Oven. Equally, if you were to move the grill marking to the front of the process you would end up with a completely different flavour. You can make or break a product by not cooking it in the correct way." 

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